Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bachelor # 3

Thanks to the advent of digital cable and its three hundred plus channels of useless "entertainment" I have found I spend much more time in front of the television than one ought to, in fact, I spend much more time in front of the TV than two or three ought to. Thanks to my many viewing hours I have amassed an amazing amount of useless information such as "stewardesses" is the longest word you can type using your left hand only, aardvark is the first word in the dictionary and given the choice of cash or what's behind door #2, I will always play it safe and take the money.
As part of my viewing pleasure I've found I am quite fond of game shows from the 70's. My favorite is The Dating Game. I've often imagined what I would ask if I were on the show: Bachelor #1, if you were a sweet treat, what would you be? Bachelor #2, if I was an ice cream cone, how would you eat me? Bachelor #3, if I had a wooden leg, would you still love me? Based on these answers I would still pick a loser, but he would be a loser who was attracted to me. What is it about another person's attraction to us that makes their stock go up? Are we so self conscious we don't trust we can get the one we want? If we had the choice between a great person we were unsure of or a so-so someone we knew was sweet on us, would we choose the so-so just to be safe?

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