Thursday, September 2, 2010


The government gives grants for all sorts of silly studies. For instance, I read about one that, after years of research and countless amounts of money, discovered blue-eyed children were shyer than their brown-eyed counterparts. And??? Do these findings suggest we should enroll our blue-eyed babies into theatre or dance troops to try to get them to open up and express themselves to other children on the playground, or is it just another way to drain excess cash from an apparently abundant source the government has stashed away under the Silly Research file? Having read the above mentioned article I got to thinking about what kind of asinine research I could possibly do to get some of the cash that wouldn't involve science, advanced math or thinking in general.
We live in a capitalist country where he who dies with the most toys wins -- and we all want to win -- it's what drives us. "Is this true?" I ask myself, "Do things really make life worth living?" Economists would tell us so, and poets would say love drives the universe. What I want to research. . . what I want to know is. . . can money buy happiness?

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