Friday, September 24, 2010

I Believe. . .

Last night I had dinner at my friend Angelique's house. She prepared a lovely meal of tofu burgers, soy lattes, and non-dairy protein cookies -- mmm, tasty and almost palatable. It seems she had recently heard about the world of veganism -- a fascinating place that is nice to visit, but as I have learned, not so nice to stay. I admire her stick-to-itiveness. She has only consumed organic foods containing no animal bi-products, no MSG and to taste, she has done this for nearly a week now. Her skin is radiant, her energy increased and her temper short.
It's not as if I had never flung myself whole heartedly into a miracle diet or crazy pyramid money making scheme, and it's not as if I haven't fallen off those band wagons, bruised, but wiser. I think most people have put their beliefs in something, someone, and had their hopes dashed -- diets crash, pyramids collapse, love ends. Why do we give into a world that constantly barrages our senses with competing claims of happiness? How can we tell when it is all right to take advantage of something new and exciting or when to refrain and stick to the tried and true? Should we give our all or nothing, or is giving some enough. Should we try at all? When believing in ourselves, should we believe everything we hear?

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