Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fishing for Answers

For the first twenty-plus years of my existence I floated through life relatively unscathed by reality. As far as I was aware the world existed simply because I asked it too. Then life began to shift -- friends drifted away, parents started dying, long-time lovers split. I knew those things happened somewhere, I just assumed it was in far off places like China or Cleveland; I never imagined my being would be lured in by these events.
And then it happened. My life collided with reality and sent me reeling back to a vantage point I had never experienced before. I now stood on a precipice fishing for answers to questions I'd never thought of asking. As I looked into those waters of doubt I wondered what my new life beheld. What were my responsibilities? How was I supposed to feel? Must I deal with those realities at all? When life flows in unplanned directions and baits us with ideas of "supposed to's," is it necessary to swallow the hook, or can we bob along the surface believing couples are happy, the dead are vacationing and friends are forever? How do we go with the flow when the waters get rough?

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