Friday, July 23, 2010

Choosing Books

It is said that everyone in the world is connected to everyone else by a series of six people. It is also said that when you sleep with a person, you sleep with everyone he or she has slept with. I guess this means everyone has theoretically slept with everyone else. This could be considered a good thing when you think of all the good-looking people out there. The opposite also holds true. We must take into account all the less than beautifully blessed, not that looks are everything, but they certainly do help.
Scientists tell us there is chemistry involved in attraction -- that it's not all just random. Pheromones and moon cycles tell us who to date and when to date. All this cosmic hoopla is meant to get us in bed together so we can procreate, but sometimes you big, bang, boom your way to the bedroom just as Mother Nature planned and nothing happens.
They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but can you judge a lover by what happens under the covers? I have had my fair share of hotties and luke warmies and have learned a thing or two from each. Sometimes hotties fizzle and some warmies sizzle. So how do you know if a person is romantically right for you? Do we put our trust in science and hope our chemicals don't send mixed messages, or do we trust in nature and hope she'll set the mood? Or, should we put our faith in ourselves and trust we know a good book when we read one?

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