Until the age of 18, life was a sugar sweetened, whip cream covered, chocolate bowl of cherries. Each day consisted of hanging with friends, part-time work and French kissing in public school hallways. There were no tomorrows, only lots and lots of todays. That is until today turned into the day I became a legal adult. Oh, sure, I could now run away and join the military or the circus, but I could no longer blame every misdemeanor on my parents. Yes, I was a man and with that title came responsibility. Things like working 40 hours a week so I could pay my own insurance and keep tacos in my tummy became the every day norm. Gone were the days of sponging off Mom and Dad and using them as an alarm clock, secretary and personal banker.
I took my man duties very seriously -- too seriously in fact. Friends drifted away, French kissing in public became gross. How had this happened? How did I become the people I hate? It is said we should live each moment as our last, but it is expected that we will be debt free at that moment. How can we be both. . . how do we live responsibly yet to our fullest?
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