Monday, July 19, 2010


When I was a youngster I used to pretend I was Spiderman by rapping a rubber band chain around the swing set and flinging myself through the air until the ground invaded my course. When this occurred I brushed myself off and acted like the Bionic Woman and leaped back onto the bars accompanying myself with sound effects reminiscent of a 70's porn flick. That's the great thing about youth, you never run out of imagination.
As we mature our bodies grow frail and make-believe becomes a waste of time. I notice, however, superheroes never seem to go out of style, they just become new and improved with bigger chests, smaller wastes and tighter clothes. If only we could do the same. . . Or can we? With the advent of plastic surgery, liposuction, Botox, implants, body sculpting and airbrushing can we too become new and improved? Is it possible to become bionic and super sonic and all the other good "onic" words? And if we can, should we? Has Wonder Woman become a better woman simply because she has a Wonderbra? Is Spiderman more heroic because his pecs are impeccable? And would we be better people just by being better looking? In the real world, is beauty really power?

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beauty is power! There is nothing compared to the super powers achieved by gaining confidence. The real questions should be... When is it too much? Have you gone from improving yourself to losing self?
