Saturday, July 3, 2010

Could You, Would You Here or There

I had the option to either stay up too late drinking and dancing with friends or stay home and work my fingers to the bone for an under appreciative boss. Of course I chose the former and am now paying the price of sickness and trying to meet my deadline. This isn't the first time conundrums such as this has arisen, in fact, they occur quite often. Do I resort to selling my plasma to purchase the new Calvin Klein scent or risk smelling like summer sea salt in the middle of sub-zero ice scraping? Should I tell the woman behind the counter she has something big and green and ugly in her teeth or try to ignore it and hope it never happens to me? When faced with a tough decision I tend to measure everything against my sanity, which is always precariously balanced. Is there ever a crack in the rock or a soft spot in the hard place we can slip through unscathed and arrive safely on the other side? Must we always have to sacrifice the sake of sanity? How do we choose between the lesser of two evils?

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